The world is yours to explore, so Live, Love and Travel


Tourit is a multi-author blog that is based on africa trips and travellers experience that allows individuals who loves to travel to gain sight on nature creations and learn about places they are interested in travelling to with added adavantage of interactions between the bloggers and users amongst other services .

Our Goals and Story

Our love for nature and exploration has made us want to bring out the taste of the culture and lifestyle of other countries in africa to individuals who have the hope of travelling at low expense.

Why Tourit?

The name Tourit popped up from the concept of travel and tourist ,so that people who loves travel like us can get to see and learn about new places and travellers experiences

Frequently Asked Questions

Tanzania has about 8000 Lion
Tanzania has the largest lion population in Africa with the bulk of 8000 lions inhabiting the game parks of Northern Tanzania Safari Circuit. So if you are seeking an experience much deeper in terms ofunderstanding and would like to help conservation efforts, then Serengeti National Park in Tanzania is wholly recommend.

Travel is a great opportunity to explore and feel relax but nothing comes without a risks, hence
travel safety will help you plan ahead and give you peace of mind on your next adventure.
+ Always register with your country embassy incase of natural disaster
+ Acquire tavel insurance for peace of Mind
+ Share your travel plans with your family so they know where you're heading.
+ Get the right Vaccination to stay healthy

Economic Community of West African States known as ECOWAS is an africa community that addresses some security issues by developing a peacekeeping force for conflicts in the region. ECOWAS passport is a recognized travel document valid for travel within the sixteen (16) countries in West Africa, which are; Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberai, Mali, Mauritania Niger, Nigerai, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo

Travel insurance is utimately your loyal travel companion. In times of turmoil, cancel or change trip plans, loss of luggages and health issues, travel insurance is there to help you. So before choosing a travel insurance consider where you are going , think about your age and health, workout how much your valuables are worth and choose what is right for you.